About plagiarism

1. Plagiarism system

To ensure the Final Project’s originality, all the project documents are reviewed by an antiplagiarism software.

The student is considered to be the original author of the FP certifying the completion of the program. As an author, the student has to bear in mind that using else’s texts, ideas or information, without applying the corresponding citation style, to refer to the consulted sources, is plagiarism. At the academic level, plagiarism is a serious offense.

2. What are the consequences of plagiarism?

  • If in any of the documents of the Final Project plagiarism is detected for the first time, the student has another opportunity to rethink the document’s content, by deleting all the plagiarized text.
  • If plagiarism is detected for a 2nd time:
    • Even if the topic proposal has already been accepted, it will be rejected, by which the student must, therefore, begin developing their FP proposal from the start;
    • and/or, the possibility of assessing the placement of certain measures on the student to address the situation.
  • If unfortunately this practice continues, the FP will be automatically failed.

3. How can I know if I am committing plagiarism?

The following situations are considered plagiarism:

  • A project previously developed by another individual or group is submitted as one’s own. In this regard, there is also the autoplagiarism, which refers to the submission of a work carried out by the same student for other purpose.
  • When there is a change in words, their order or phrases from an original text, without citing any reference in the project.
  • Partial or complete copy of content in a document without direct reference to the author/original source.
  • When paragraphs are literally copied from one or several documents, and are submitted as one’s own and original work.
  • A copy/paste of a photo, graph or table without referencing the source from which it was extracted.