Research Report: Formal Aspects

1. Introduction

The Final Project (FP) is a written report that must be drafted following certain academic standards.

2. Document format

2.1. Document format

The Final Project will not be printed, unless the university specifies so. The electronic version of the FP must fulfill the following requirements:

2.1.1. Page Design

  • The FP must follow the structure of the official template of the field of the degree. Official templates are available in the Virtual Campus.
  • Page size: A4.
  • Left margin: 3pts
  • Right, top and bottom margin: 2.5 pts.
  • Font type and size: Arial or Times New Roman, size 11.

2.1.2. Spacing and alignment

  • Paragraph Spacing: 1.5 lines.
  • An extra blank line must be left between paragraphs.
  • Block quotations (quotations comprising more than 40 words) will be displayed in their own paragraph, single-spaced and with a left indent of 1.3 cm.
  • Paragraph alignment: Justified

2.1.3. Pagination

  • Page numbers must be located on the bottom-right corner of the page.
  • Cover, half-title, and acknowledgement section are not numbered.
  • Sections between the acknowledgements and the introduction (e.g. table of contents, author’s release form, etc.) are numbered in Roman numerals.
  • The main body of the FP is numbered in Arabic numerals.
  • Appendices are not numbered.

2.2. Length

The Final Project of a Postgraduate degree should be 40 to 60 pages long. Masters Final Projects must be 80 to 120 pages long. The cover, table of contents and appendices are not considered within this length count.

In any case, when these minimum requirements are met, the quality of the project will not be determined by its extension, but for the relevancy of its contents.

2.3. Structure

The FP supervisor will indicate the student the general structure of the Project once the D1 has been approved, as it varies depending on the type of project. The official templates already consider different possibilities. Students should bear in mind that the final delivery of the project must include the official cover.

2.3.1. Numbering of Headings and subheadings

For a more efficient listing of the contents of the FP, headings and subheadings must be numbered following these indications:

  • Heading 1 (FP chapters) must be numbered consecutively starting from 1.
  • Heading 2 (FP subchapters) will use two figures: one for the number of the Chapter (Heading 1) and a second figure which will be numbered consecutively within that chapter.
  • Heading 3 and Heading 4 (if there were any) will follow the same pattern: they will keep the numbers of the superior level and add a consecutively numbering for their level.
  • Heading numbers will be separated by a full stop (see examples below).
  • Heading 1 should be presented in BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS (SIZE 14); Heading 2 should be presented in Bold small caps (size 12); Heading 3 should be presented in bold italics small caps (size 11). Heading 4 should be presented in italics small caps (size 11).
  • Chapters will start on a new page. An extra space should be left after the Chapter title (Heading 1). An extra space should be left before a Heading 2.




1.1. Subchapter 1 Title

Lorem ipsum…

1.1.1. Section heading

Lorem ipsum… Subsection heading

Lorem ipsum… Subsection heading

Lorem ipsum…

1.1.2. Section heading

Lorem ipsum…

Headings should not be left hanging at the end of the page.

2.3.2. Figures and tables

Figures and tables, which are used in the project to visualize the written text, must have a caption: a numbered title.

In Vancouver citing style, the caption is always placed above the table or figure. In APA citing style, the caption is placed above the table and below the figure.

Captions must be numbered with two Arabic numerals separated by a stop. The first numeral will refer to the chapter (heading 1) the figure or table is located in. The second numeral will order the tables (or figures) consecutively. The second number starts from zero with the new chapter. Tables have their order and figures have their order. So, for example, “Table 3.4.” is the fourth table in Chapter 3.

In Vancouver, the source for the table or figure must be included in a footnote. In APA, table or figure sources and other relevant notes must be included below the table. Table notes have their own numbering (they are not part of the general list of footnotes if there are any in the rest of the document).

It is recommended that tables and figures are not split in two pages.

3. Academic writing style

 Academic writing should be accurate, impersonal and objective. The discourse must be clear, concise and well-structured. Within those parameters, writers develop their own voices. The following tips might help improve your academic writing.

3.1. Accurate writing

  • Use vocabulary accurately. For example, “wheather” and “climate” might be used indistinctively in some contexts, but do not mean the same. An expert in the field should know the difference.
  • Avoid “multi-purpose” words whenever it is possible: get, do, like, have, thing can often be substituted by a most accurate synonym.
  • Be as precise as possible with figures: avoid saying “about a hundred people”, if you know it is “132 people”. If possible, provide the source for all the figures you use.
  • When writing lists, use “etc.” or “and so on” sparingly. It is better to finish the list with “and” before the last item.

3.2. Impersonal and objective writing

  • Avoid verbs that express your personal attitude (e.g. fortunately, luckily).
  • Academic English tend to use the passive, but don’t overuse it. If the focus of the sentence should be on the agent, use the active voice.
  • Avoid producing statements in question form. E.g. Instead of “So, why do students like watching films in class?”, propose “The study shows three reasons why students enjoy watching films in class.”
  • Avoid idioms and informal style.
  • Use caution when making statements, especially in hypotheses or discussing the work of other authors.

3.3. Clear and concise writing

  • In general, apply the idea of economy in writing: if you can say something in three words don’t use ten words.
  • Avoid using two-word verbs, if there is a suitable synonym. “Quit” instead of “Give up”.
  • Avoid repetition and redundancy. E.g. “Climate change is a global problem around the globe” should be “Climate change is a global problem.”

3.4. Well-structured writing

  • Plan before writing: it will save you time in the long run.
  • Paragraphs are the basic building blocks of a text. Paragraphs should have internal cohesion (discuss one single idea with more than one sentence) and be linked to previous and following ideas (text coherence).
  • Punctuation is crucial to the correct understanding of a text.
  • Avoid long sentences full of subordinates. Shorter, simpler sentences are always recommended. However, too many short sentences can be monotonous. Effective writing normally uses a mixture of long and short sentences, usually using a short sentence to introduce the topic and longer sentences to develop it.